Bernadette Hehenberger worked as an international shoe designer for 7 years. Since then she has been passing on her experience gained in “ShoeBiz” to shoe enthusiasts, and curious minds alike – anyone with a feeling for or interest in sustainability – in the form of the CraftWerk workshops. Her accounts of travels to tradition-rich cultures with sometimes ancient handcraft knowledge make for authentic, deeply engaging storytelling. This tangible material transports the message in an ever fresh, ever engaging way.

Shoe Be Do

/Posted by: dafydd
Gemeinsam mit Dir und CraftWerk ensteht mithilfe von Techniken die sich bereits seit mehr als tausend Jahren bewährt haben , auf einem energiesparenden und Ressourcen schonenden Weg, Deine ganz persönliche, von Hand gefertigte Schuhbekleidung. Das...

Experience producing your own handmade pair of summer shoes. Making things by hand creates a feeling of independence and achievement.

Authentic tribal craft

/Posted by: k r
“Authentic Craft” - Stories from the world of shoe culture. Particularly important here is making visible the meaning carried by and societal value of archaic/folkloristic handcraft techniques by trying one’s hand at it. From...

Handwerkliches Erfahren anderer Kulturen. Eine Werkstatt die sich an Wildnis- und Vertiefungswünsche anpasst.

(Deutsch) Homo Faber – Schillernde Pfade

/Posted by: b h
Together with you and CraftWerk, and with the help of techniques - energy saving and resourceful - that have been preserved already for thousands of years, your own, uniquely personal, handmade footwear is born. “Just...

Geschichten meiner weltumspannenden und tollkühnen Reise, um die wahre “Schuhmacher Seele” aufzuspüren



Being individual

Experiencing a new attitude towards life

Taking time for themselves

Having fun creating something with their own hands

Being impressed by something completely new

Expressing their own personal lifestyle

Fun factor: Shoes by happy people

A feeling of independence from industry




WUK – Workshop and Culture, Vienna

As a place for creation, exchange, inspiration and networking, the leather workshop in WUK was founded in 2014. “WUK” stands for Werkstätten und Kultur (Workshops and Culture), and is the largest independent cultural centre in Europe. It wasn’t long before the leather workshop gave rise to “Craft Folks”, formed by the mixture of handcraft workers, designers and artists working there, brought together by their enthusiasm for weaving traditional handcraft techniques into the modern world.

My creative Space

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“This shoe making workshop has been a truly exhilarating experience for me. Most interestingly, it was not just about the stitching, glueing, cutting, but also about the exchange of ideas, helping each other along the way, with the exuberant mood of our amazing teacher, ‘Bernie’, as I called her :). It surely gives a feeling of building up a connection with the materials found in nature, which in general we have lost touch with. Last but not the least, the shoes looked amazing! A big recommendation to the people who are interested in this artistic journey of shoemaking for themselves or for their loved ones.”

– Ankit Mittal, New Dheli, India (PhD Student Solar Energy)

“It was a wonderful week making my own shoes with Bernadette, moon queen and shoe goddess, which I remember with great affection. I love my shoes and have worn them all summer.”

– Lizie Hall, seamstress, teacher, painter